How to grow your unit
We hear from members who are using Grants to Grow vouchers and county recruitment toolkits to help increase their numbers
There’s no end to the simple yet effective methods used by units who received Grants to Grow vouchers earlier this year to help increase their membership.
Activities including displaying banners, holding talks and doing leaflet drops at schools, hosting bring-a-friend evenings, linking up with local kids’ clubs and parents’ groups, and making use of social media, are some of the great ideas that you’ve been putting into practice.
Some units also found that changing their meeting time or venue helped increase numbers. ‘We started meeting at the same time as Camborne Guides but in a separate room, so the girls realised Rangers is a natural progression in Girlguiding,’ says Sue Norfolk, Leader with Kerrier Division Ranger Senior Section Unit.
Others forged links in different ways. ‘We took older Guides to visit the local Brownie unit and ran a taster session for the older Brownies,’ says Nicola Mitchell, Leader with 9th Wallsend Guides.
When units received the vouchers (£50 for each additional girl recruited, up to a maximum of three), they swiftly invested it in essential resources. ‘Wow, exciting delivery this morning!’ tweeted 31st Norwich Rainbows. ‘From our @Girlguiding Grants to Grow we’ve been able to buy all these new badges and eight new Rainbow books, ready to welcome new girls to our unit.’
Tools for the job
Volunteers have also been growing guiding by using county recruitment toolkits, which are packed with resources – from bunting to programme materials – to help draw in the crowds.
As Val Cullen, County Commissioner for Cleveland County, says, ‘It makes the recruitment stall look more professional and eye-catching. It’s a fantastic resource that makes members more confident to just set up and go!’
If you have an event coming up, speak to your local commissioner about borrowing your county’s toolkit and remember to keep an eye out for an email about our second round of Grants to Grow vouchers, as we’re approaching eligible units to apply now.
Further support on helping your unit grow can be found on our grants and funding page
Both Grants to Grow and the county recruitment toolkit were made possible by funding from the Uniformed Youth Fund grant, WAGGGS and the UPS Foundation.