Space to Grow Together
5 ways to grow our numbers
Our seven Growth and Communities Coordinators (GCCs), based around the country as part of our Space to Grow Together (StGT) project, have been busy exploring ways we can #GrowForGirls. Here are a few of their tried-and-tested ideas
Try a four-week taster
StGT is a project in collaboration with the Scouts to learn and share what works. A great example is where we adapted one of their best ideas – the Four Week Challenge – to help us #GrowForGirls.
In Kent West, this four-week taster led to the creation of 1st Stone Brownies, which has been a big hit with girls and parents. ‘After the first official session, one parent messaged to say, “My daughter came home buzzing. She enjoyed herself so much she wants to go uniform shopping at the weekend”,’ says Leader Alison Chapman, herself a new volunteer.
Make the most of social media to promote your new unit, advises GCC Jenni Davis. ‘It’s been hugely successful in gaining sign-ups so we’re updating the platform continuously.’
Take over a Parkrun
...or nine, as Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire West did to coincide with World Thinking Day. A takeover means guiding provides all the volunteers to run the events, explains GCC Jennie Grove. ‘Our marshals wore high-vis vests with Girlguiding on the back, and there were girls and leaders running in uniform too.
‘Parkruns are great for raising awareness about guiding, and one lady signed up on the day and is now doing her Leadership qualification.’

Parkruns are a great way to raise awareness about guiding
Do a good deed
Helping local communities can really raise guiding’s profile, as GCC Lisa Bouskill found. She asked her own units, 1st Barlborough Guides and Rangers, to plant hyacinth bulbs in cut-off plastic bottles. As Christmas approached, they made gift tags and placed the hyacinths on local doorsteps.
‘The girls were very excited to be able to deliver their random acts of kindness,’ she says. ‘And residents commented positively on Facebook groups about receiving something so thoughtful!’
Jazz up your recruitment stand
Human fruit machines can prove irresistible to onlookers, as GCC Jennie Grove experienced. Each box has a mix of three fruits inside. A visitor presses a ‘button’ and girls pull out a fruit from their box. Three matching fruits wins a prize, just like in an amusement arcade.
‘It’s loved by visitors old and young and is a fantastic way to break the ice and get chatting to people about all the fun we have with Girlguiding.’
Organise a ‘Give guiding a go’ week
During a special week in September, Wombourne District listed all the units with spaces and encouraged new girls to try guiding. ‘A total of 44 girls came along and we now have units that have grown from 14 to 21 girls,’ says Liz Newton, Coordinator for West Mercia.
The district has also begun organising a themed activity day for prospective and current girls during the February and October half terms. The first event in February was The Greatest Showgirl, a circus skills day for girls aged five to ten. This autumn, the theme is Strictly Come Glittering, and there will also be activity days for Guides and Rangers.
‘It’s a fun event you can advertise in local what’s-on guides and community Facebook pages, and the girls have a great time,’ says Liz.
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