Reflect on your reflection

What you'll need
- Pencils, one per girl
- Paper, two sheets per girl
- Coloured pencils (optional)
Aim of the activity
What do you see when you look in the mirror? Discover all the great things others see in you and remind yourself of your own strengths.
If you’re ever having a ‘down’ day, look at your portraits and remember all the good things that you and everybody else sees
Step by step
Each take a piece of paper and a pencil. You’ve got ten minutes to create your own self-portrait on your paper. A self-portrait is an image all about yourself – and you can do anything! It could be a picture of yourself, lots of words that describe you, pictures of things you like or something completely different. It just needs to represent you.
Once you’ve finished your self-portrait, put it to one side and collect a second sheet of paper. Write your name at the top.
Sit in a circle with your Six. When your leader says ‘Go’, pass your paper to your left. On the piece of paper you’ve just been handed, create a new portrait of the person sat to your right – think about all the great things you like about them, and add these to the portrait. Perhaps they always have a big smile, really like dinosaurs or always wear great socks!
After three minutes, your leader will call ‘Change’. Pass your paper to the left again. Now you have a new portrait to add to. Remember you can add words, pictures, patterns… whatever you fancy.
Keep going until you’ve added to every portrait in your Six. Then give everyone back their own portraits.
Hold your two portraits up, side by side. Do they look the same? What have your friends said about you, compared to what you said about yourself?