Madz’s magic carpet

What you’ll need
- Parachute, bedsheets or newspaper to be your magic carpet - see ‘Note to leader’
Aim of the activity
Flying, soaring, where will the magic carpet take you? Anywhere if you can get it to work by using teamwork!
Note to leader
If you don’t have a parachute, you can use bedsheets or newspaper. You might need to split your Rainbows across several bedsheets. If using newspaper, give each girl a sheet of newspaper, and as a team they need to turn them all over without stepping off – like in the illustration.
You could have a few parachute game suggestions to play in step 8.
Step by step
My friend Madz has let me borrow her magic carpet to take you on an adventure. I think I remember how to make it work, it’s a little tricky sometimes.
First thing we need to do is lay out the magic carpet on the floor. Make sure everyone helps and make sure your magic carpet is as flat as possible.
Right, everyone ready to go on an adventure. Where do you want to go? Everyone stand on the magic carpet and take turns to call out your adventure idea.
Oh I’ve found some of the instructions, listen carefully! Everyone needs to be on the magic carpet, and you can’t step off or the magic will disappear.
To start the carpet, we need to stomp our feet five times all together.
Ready? Let’s stomp five times.
Oh, that didn’t seem to work… oh wait there’s more to the instructions. We need to stomp five times, clap our hands, turn around and touch the floor. Let’s try it.
Hmmm still didn’t work… erm, we seem to have the carpet upside down. We need to turn it over, but no one can get off the carpet. Try and see if you can turn the carpet over and smooth it out again without anyone stepping off.
Stepped off? – you’ve got to start again from step 4.
Top tip
Stuck? You’ll need to work together to turn the carpet over. It needs to be done little by little.
Fantastic, you’ve done it!
Right now, it’s time to stomp five times, clap, turn around and touch the floor again.
Let’s go on an adventure!
Silly me, I forgot to charge the magic blanket before our meeting. But can we make up our own game to play using the magic carpet?
Pick a parachute game to play and have fun!