Head, shoulders, knees and CONE

What you’ll need
• A cone or item to represent a cone, 1 per girl
Aim of the activity
How quickly can you race to grab the cone? Get your heart racing to stay in this fun warm-up game.
Note to leader
If you don’t have cones, use any soft items, like cushions or beanbags. The caller should randomly pick the words in the game and can say cone whenever they like.
If you’re playing this in your unit meeting space, pair the girls together and get them to race against each other. Make sure their cones are socially distanced, if required.
Step by step
How do you get your body and mind ready for exercise? Together come up with your top five ideas. You might include things like getting changed into workout clothes - did you also include warming up?Warming up before exercising is really important. It gets your body relaxed and stretched and you’re less likely to cause an injury during your workout. As part of a warm up you can try lots of different exercises and games, ranging from stretching to cardio.
It’s time to warm up! Choose someone to read how to play the game, and give it go.
Game rules
You’ll each need a cone just in front of you. Your leader will be the first caller. They’ll randomly call out heads, shoulders, knees or cone. When they call out, touch that body part. When they shout out ‘cone!’ you need to grab your cone and hold it up in the air. The last person to do so becomes the caller for the next round. Quicken the pace of the call outs to get everyone moving and thinking faster.
Did that get your heart beating? Find another warm up and try it out together.
Try it this way
Want to up the challenge? Add another item so you have to pick the right one up. Or if you’re the first to pick up your cone, you have to take an extra step away from your cone.