For all girls
Message from our CEO

Our girls come from all backgrounds and every constituency. They care passionately about the environment and building a better future for themselves and their peers. They care about tackling the blight of violence against women and girls, from street harassment to everyday sexism, so that they are safer on the street, in school, and online. They want to live in a world where a pledge for gender equality is not just a bland statement rolled out every International Women’s Day, but a genuine commitment from every decision maker in our country to make tangible improvements to the lives of girls and women.
A strong, fair, compassionate United Kingdom is one that puts the voices of girls and young women at the heart of society. That’s why we’re asking decision makers to listen to girls: to their hopes about the future direction of our country, their worries about not feeling safe and their ideas about how to change the UK for the better.
We want an equal world where girls can make a positive difference, be happy and safe, and fulfill their potential. But we can’t achieve this alone. Now is the time for us all to listen to girls and young women. Now is the time for us all to create a more equal society. Now is the time for us all to act.

Angela Salt OBE, CEO © Girlguiding 2023.
Registered charity number 306016.